Sunday, February 24, 2013

the inbox

Hello, you have reached the thought process of Ana Cristina, please leave a memory at the beep and she will get back to you shortly.

Sadness does not exist, but I exist. I exist in the wrong, the temptation; my only purpose is to float. Floating does not happen easily, I must concentrate, focus the black matter, bleach it white. Black is a comfort, white is a luxury. I am white so I come from family, money, picket fences. Right? The right answer is usually wrong, in the context of stereotypes. Statistics feed stereotypes, they are based on fact, I am statistically more likely to succeed, to have a good well-being. Well-being never concerned me, I prefer to get lost. But to feel hopelessly lost, in a place that doesn’t understand me…Panic. I am terrified to face the image that stares back at me in the mirror, but only on happy occasions. Happy occasions, what a mockery, the earth is slipping, every passing moment. I am destroying the earth, trodden by steel-toed shoes. Shoes made by the slender fingers of misfortune, knees caked with mud, trash people. The trash people serve the suited people. Suited people regurgitate such disgusting things, they like coffee served in paper cups, plastic tops. Remember when plastic pirates ruled the seven seas? This was yesterday, but I cannot remember. I use string to remember my past, my present, my future. In the future I will be trapped, the strings will be in knots, tangle my fate, there is a dead end. Dead ends are not real, I can always go up, unless there is cement. Cemented in a world unfit for me, no counterpart to feed on, no one to absorb this unsettling feeling. So unsettling that water wont swell in the eyes of tragedy, but here in twilight they are hot, steaming. I remember what I was on the hot, steaming nights, when we would trampoline with mosquitoes. Trampolines help me float, but I always come back, become what I was. What I was, what I am, what I will be, is an unstable element; ready, set, react with this toxic world. Sludge is black, it fuels this toxic world, black gives me comfort, sludge stained heart. An explosion of heart, or concaving rather, leaves no room for religion. I will go to hell, no religion, unless I am happy, find religion. Religion is just a word and I am not unhappy. I am the girl living in comforts, water to moisten lips, torn apart by none other than myself. I tear, just like paper, paper filled with words. It is the words’ fault, they wont congregate to form happiness, to make sense, to become fire, fire to dry eyes. Eyes, lips, heavy hands holding atoms, bonded by nature, torn by its children. The children are all insane for thinking they can control the universe. I am a child.


Thursday, October 4, 2012


if i must give one piece of advice in this world, it would be "embrace yourself". and not the kind of embracing that involves an awkward pat on the back, but the kind where you realize the inner weirdo that is your brilliant self. the kind where you realize yourself as not a part of this world, but as your own addition. something that the universe lacked, you are reinvented from old matter to be what this world needs you to be

 yes, i am my own oddball, the girl who wanted to be a radish for halloween in 5th grade, who insisted on making her own cow-printed skirts and wrote poetry that would scare a psychologist. i know what drives me, excites me, angers me, and what i can withhold from this unforgiving world. and i take that all in and manipulate that to be the person who i want to be. because why else would i be created for any other purpose than to contribute to this bizarre concoction of life here?

xoxo ana cristina

Sunday, August 26, 2012


the famous chicago. fashion capital of the midwest and a kick ass city. ill let the pictures do the talking.

billy rood

chris rucker

 tiffany nicholson

xoxo ana cristina