Saturday, August 18, 2012

an understatement

photography by fred camargo
to say that i love where i am is an understatement. we all come from somewhere, and our roots determine the course of our lives. but our beginning and end is a speck of time in the grand scheme of things. what you do doesnt matter. all that matters is having a great fucking time doing what you do. 

but how are we to enjoy our lives when we dwell on the nonessential? you cant live preoccupied with faults. because this universe is so fantastically large that your faults dont matter. when i stopped focusing on the nonessential and immersed in the now, my life changed. drastically. 

i moved to california because i could, because it was a different path that provided opportunity and excitement. and isnt our existence too insignificant to not take those chances? the reality is that we are not leaving anything behind by moving forward. we have been where weve been, are here now, and are going where were going. dont resist change. conquer it.

xoxo ana cristina

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